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Fragile - Do Not Bend

We have changes ahead...

Last week I signed a contract for an excellent new research job at RMIT, in Melbourne, for the next couple of years.

These are the things I'm looking forward to...

  • new colleagues in the Digital Ethnography Research Centre and Creative Agency

  • exploring really interesting research intersections in digital citizenship and non-binary gender activism

  • a new home somewhere around Fitzroy, Brunswick, Coburg, Yarraville, Footscray (still narrowing that down - advice much appreciated)

  • a new school for Ari and maybe Rosie (more advice pls!)

  • seeing more of Melbourne mates

  • frequent trips back to Adelaide to enjoy our newly heated pool, healing garden and mosaic adorned BBQ and pizza oven area

  • celebrating New Years Eve with friends and family in official opening of aforementioned 'entertainment zone'

  • frequent visits in Melbourne from our Adelaide besties (we're looking for a caravan in our backyard if anyone knows of one that needs 'storing')

Things I'm not so much looking forward to...

  • sorting out years of junk

  • choosing which books to take and which to store

  • choosing 5 garden tools and 5 pots

Things that are both good and bad...

  • holding my family close as they struggle with blaming me for these big changes

  • maintaining pragmatic optimism while acknowledging the validity of their anger

  • culling my massive wardrobe and fund-raising via garage sale

So... this is what I need in the next couple of months. Buy in to however we're going to make this work!

Also, if you'd like to memorialise my more colourful femme incarnation by wearing one of my many exotic cast offs - come to our epic garage sale to end all garage sales, tentatively scheduled for December 2nd-3rd. Donations towards moving expenses gratefully received ; )

Throughout the translocation I might be a little fragile - but under pressure I'm usually quite bendy. I have faith that all will be ok. The world, tipped upside down, will restore itself to equilibrium in time.

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